
A night in (old and new) Paris

 There a moments like tonight where I really feel my future is not in France anymore. I left this country many time, for a year or so, always came back but sometimes everything appears so blocked, so impossible to change... It makes me want to start everything all over again somewhere else. In the UK, or on a tiny Italian island !

Politics in France is rotten, corrupted and useless. Then the media is becoming so mediocre and nepotism is killing everything. It is very hard to get anything published if not through a connection. How did it become so old-fashioned? So stubborn and closed-up?

Luckily, there are still little pockets of hope. 

Paris is still the home of a couple of great filmmakers, a few committed writers, and above all powerful gallery owners who are doing a lot for the art scene.

Tomorrow and Thursday, I'll be at the Contemporary Art Fair. Tonight I went at the new street art "museum", Art 42, Bd Bessieres, where Banksy is meeting Obey and Blu. 

Here are some pictures instead of my complaints:

Madame (Moustache)

Speedy Graphito:


Futura 2000:


Still, a few streets carry the dream. A few people are extraordinary, inspirational, love-giving and revolutionary.

Change is a constant part of who we are as human beings and those forces that only fight to keep things alike, to prevent change from happening, are ruining every effort, every joy.

But it's not a reason to give up the dreams, the joy, the spirit of revolution...

An Italian musician told me exactly a year ago that something in me seemed to carry this spirit of revolution. That's one of the most beautiful compliments I've ever heard. Thanks Matteo! 


I have started watching Adam Curtis' latest documentary, 'HyperNormalisation', and he is explaining no less than the blocks in our societies and cultures due to the fear of change, the rejection of the flow of natural evolution, socially and humanly.

So let's keep the faith, let's trust the right ones, and let's change all that no longer serves us... 

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